Always love photographing this beauty every Fall! She brings smiles and fun every single time! Love our “yearly” dates!
Archive for October, 2014
Sweet Taylor…
October 31, 2014Awaiting Elliot…
October 28, 2014Aren’t they the MOST adorable couple? I mean, seriously seriously cute and so much fun! These two amazing friends of mine are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Miss Elliot Grace who should make her grand debut in December. I can’t wait to see how beautiful she will be. How could she not be with Roxanna and Nathan as her parents, two wonderful people who just happen to be pretty gorgeous, too! Beautiful inside and out. She’ll be here before we know it! Enjoy these few weeks as a family of 3(see below for pics of their first daughter)! I cannot wait to meet her. Thanks for a fun day capturing this special time for you! Enjoy the sneak peek-more to come! 🙂Â
Of course, we had to include Miss Frannie in a few photos, too! Isn’t she adorable?Â
Cal is Sitting and Smiling!
October 24, 2014Hayes is Three!
October 24, 2014I’m always so very excited when a customer suggests a new location for us to try, and was particularly thrilled to meet Hayes and his mom at Annesdale Mansion, a breathtaking home in Memphis built back in 1850. Absolutely stunning. I’m pretty sure if Hayes hadn’t tired of the session after an hour or so, that his Mom and I could’ve stayed and played all day. It was a beautiful location and an honor to shoot there. Plus, how cute is Hayes? Danielle, you couldn’t have picked a more perfect little outfit for him. Beyond adorable! He’s the best and I love his charming personality and big ol’ grins. Thanks for sharing your sweet boy with me!Â
Adrian, Bob, Caroline, Courtney & Champ!
October 23, 2014This was SO much fun! I just adore this little family. Sweet Adrian and her family are neighbors of mine, and we have an unbelievable amount of connections through various people. It was so enjoyable spending time with them this week and getting to know her family a little bit more. We had the best time laughing together-mostly at their ridiculously cute littlest member of the family, Champ, their almost 1-yr-old lab. I think that these photos exemplify their little family. Adrian, thanks for sharing your family with me….can’t wait for you to see all the proofs! Your family is beautiful! 🙂
Anatomy of a Photo Session-Clint, Tracey, Walker, Reese, and Halle…
October 22, 2014My friend, Tracey, is one of the most funny people that I know! She always can make me laugh, especially with her unique perspective on her family and kiddos-all of whom are the same ages as my own. She was a part of the Mini Sessions that took place on Sunday. In addition to hilarious texts she sent me on the play-by-play, she posted the below status as her Facebook post on Monday. It was too good not to share!
Phases – The Process of a Family Portrait Session-(from Tracey)
We had our family portrait finally accomplished yesterday. It seemed like a feat similar to moving mountains. This was all on us, as the photographer was awesome and I adore her work and how she runs the session(Thank you Julie Torregrossa/ 1:17 Photography )! I reflected on all of this yesterday and decided there were phases to this, from a Mom’s perspective. Here they are:
#1. You book the date and are excited—it’s on the calendar. Booking phase.
#2. Later, you tell your family and you are probably ignored. You send email to spouse to put on his calendar–this may or may not happen. Family calendar phase.
#3. You forget about the ‘clothing’ issue until days before—you realize not only do you NOT have clothes for people that fit, but NO ONE needs to ‘clash’ with clothing choices. Panic section begins. Uh Oh phase.
#4. You squeeze in sprint-like shopping by yourself. You have never shopped with so much drive. You realize you will be making LOTS of returns.
#5. The day before, you brief family members of attire and collectively get the articles of clothing selected. Panic section starts to wind down. Final clothing selection phase.
#6. Day of session and one hour before departure, you are asked if cargo shorts and jeggings can be worn. This is after JEANS discussion the day before. Disbelief and denial phase. Can also be known as the oppositional phase.
#7. Crying phase of youngest and Mom pops Ibuprofen. (Mom wants to cry)
#8. Pre- departure phase. One member of family does total change of shirt 30 minutes prior to departure. Disbelief phase still going strong.
#9. Son wears fleece jacket in car after being told NOT to wear jacket, as mom spent time ironing shirt. This rounds out the disbelief phase.
#10. Grumpy phase for all in car.
#11. Actual session phase with no sibling wanting to touch one another and pretending to like each other seems impossible to them. 20 minutes is a long time.
#12. Post-session and family enters the elation-happy phase—where were these people for the last 2 hours?
Don’t you just love it? HA! Thanks, Tracey, for sharing your crew with me. So glad you survived!! 🙂 And, I hope you love our results and that it was worth all the frustrations. So many more to come! 🙂
Arlington Town Square Mini Session…
October 22, 2014Mini Sessions!! The more I do them, the more I love them. So fun to see all the faces that I’ve grown to love and adore over the years! This weekend was PERFECT weather outdoors for our first batch of Minis this Fall in Arlington. Practically perfect in every way! Here’s a few sneak peeks to tide you over til you get to see more! Enjoy! 🙂Â
Matthew is Sitting and Smiling!
October 20, 2014Saturday was an absolutely perfectly crisp Fall morning, and I had such fun with Matthew. That grin and those big ol’ eyes-be still my heart! So glad he brought along his Mom and Dad to participate in the fun as well. Sweet and gorgeous family! You just can’t beat that combination! Getting so big so fast. Look at this baby! 🙂
Henry and Murphy Kate are One!
October 20, 2014Babies and pumpkins last October…And this year! Happy first birthday to these two beautiful little angels. 🙂
I have to admit, I felt a bit of a twinge of sadness as we finished up this session on Friday, and the twins Mom told me “there’ll be no more Newborn Sessions from this family!” After photographing all 4 of her babies from newborn stage forward, this family is so special to me. I so enjoyed hanging with all 6 family members and photographing everyone in celebration of the twins One Year mark! Such an amazing group and such a joy! Thanks for always sharing your babies with me Bronwen and Alan! 🙂
Welcome, Reagan!
October 20, 2014Welcome to sweet baby girl, Miss Reagan! I’ve been so excited to go to this session ever since her Mom asked me months ago. I photographed big sister, Addisyn, in the past and just had the best time with this family. I am so beyond thrilled for this new family of four. Miss Reagan is a blessed little girl as she is part of a wonderful family. Congratulations, guys! She’s perfect and beautiful. So happy for you!Â