Saturday was a beautiful day! It was super HOT, but that’s Memphis in August…no big surprise! The big surprise for me was that I was photographing a wedding! All of us have those things that we say we will never do. The older I’m getting the more I am realizing that I should never say never! 🙂 How does a children’s photographer end up photographing a wedding? Well, namely because it was a small, intimate occasion that happened to be taking place right next door at the home of my dear friends. Their daughter, Shelby, married her handsome prince on Saturday at her parent’s home, and I was privileged enough to be asked to document the day with my camera. I’ve always loved weddings and the hope and the promise of things to come that go along with it! God was present all day in this occasion, and it was beautiful to see the coming together of these two young people and witness the start to their new life together. I loved the intimacy of the occasion with just family and a few close friends. I loved that she got ready in her own home, and walked down to meet her groom down the staircase in the foyer of her home! I loved that her little brother and sister were the only two “attendants”. I loved that there was laughter, tears,but most of all an extreme amount of love that day! I am happy to share with you my capture of Chris and Shelby’s special day. (And, no….just to clarify, no more weddings in the future. This was a one-time special event!)
A few details of the day…

The ceremony started with sweet Josh and Brooke leading the way. Then Shelby descended the staircase into her new life with Chris. I love the sweet smile of excitement on her face as she sees Chris for the first time below her.

The vows were so precious! There was laughter:
There were tears. Love this “real” moment here. If you look closely you can see the tears on her face and the look of sweet love on the groom’s face. Awww!!
And, “You may kiss the bride!”
After the ceremony, we walked next door to take some portraits of the bride and groom! I loved getting to use my backyard for these. Such a beautiful couple and so very much in love! Chris and Shel, you are just GORGEOUS!!

A few with Shelby’s sweet Momma and baby sister. Love these!

I took almost 600 images this day. I wish I could showcase them all here, but for the sake of time and space, I sadly cannot. Can’t wait for the families to see and enjoy them all soon! Chris and Shelby is was an honor to be there Saturday and witness your love. I pray that God never lets you forget this special day and that He directs your paths daily throughout your life together. Congratulations, sweet friends!!!