Archive for the ‘Photographer’s Home’ Category
Matthew, Sierra, and Braylee…
May 31, 2018Spring Mini Sessions at the Farm
May 17, 2016We could not have asked for a more beautiful Spring evening at the Farm! I loved seeing everyone and am loving all these photographs! Enjoy!
Princess Hailey…
June 3, 2015Jena, Mike and their beautiful family…
June 3, 2015Welcome, Cohen!
September 26, 2013Absolute perfection, that’s how this session has to be defined! A precious family with the miracle of their new addition, Mr.Cohen! There’s not a whole lot of “firsts” that happen for me anymore in my sessions after doing this for so many years; however, yesterday’s newborn session was a “first” in that the entire session was shot outdoors in my backyard! Loved that Cohen’s Mom and Dad were open to doing shots outdoors. I think it makes this session so beautiful and very unique. I tell parents all the time that the happiest my newborns usually are is if we can get them outdoors. For obvious weather reasons, this cannot happen at every session; but, I’d encourage those of you that have babies during the nice weather to consider do many shots outdoors. The babies truly ย love it! Cohen was so happy the entire afternoon and barely made a sound-quite impressive since he is already 2 weeks old and getting past the “sleepy” stage a bit. I am sooo thrilled for this beautiful family. What a beautiful gift God has given you in Cohen. Thank you for sharing these special moments with me and allowing me to capture your joy! ๐ย
Can I just say how much I love these brother shots? Big brother Cole was amazing with all of his shots-so many precious ones and too many to showcase here. He is just darling and I could eat him up! I know he is thrilled to have a little brother…esp when the ultrasound said he was getting a baby sister!! Whoops! HA. Love it! ๐ย
Welcome, Charlotte!
August 23, 2013And, Charlotte makes four! Oh, how I love when things come full circle in life! This precious baby is little Charlotte, daughter of Chris and Shelby and new little sister to Tanner! I photographed this sweet couple’s wedding a couple of summer’s ago in my backyard, then little Tanner’s newborn session last year at my home and now it is Miss Charlotte’s turn to have her photo session at Mrs.Julie’s house! Isn’t she just delightfully beautiful? She quite possibly has the longest and most slender little fingers and toes I’ve seen on a baby in such a long time. And, big bro Tanner did a FABULOUS job today for his part of the session considering that he is only about 18 months old…that’s quite the accomplishment. Enjoy this precious gift, this little beauty that is Charlotte! God has blessed this family! ๐
So very happy for your beautiful family, Chris and Shelby! Congratulations! ๐ย
Sarah and Ellie Grace!
October 24, 2011I’ve known both of these beautiful girls since they were moments old, and I love them as if they were my very own! These are the daughters of my best friend, Steffanie and her husband, Jason. Sarah is literally growing up before my very eyes, and is such a smart and beautiful little girl. And, Miss Ellie, is just a cutie! She practically lives at my house and is my little Isabella’s best buddy! I haven’t photographed them in almost two years. So, last week during Fall Break we took advantage of a beautiful day, dressed them up, and they came over for a quick shoot in my backyard. I am thrilled with our results, and Stef, hope you are, too! Your babies are so gorgeous! Enjoy! ๐
Mini Sessions have begun!
September 20, 2011Saturday was the first day of my traditional Fall Mini Sessions. This session really would’ve been more accurately titled had it been called “Late Summer” Mini Session. It was a gorgeous late summer day…warm, blue skies, green grass, and an abundance of colorful flowers! I was thrilled with our results and hope that the families that came to my home are pleased with what they see as well! Enjoy this little sneak peak…more to come! ๐
First up, customers from the last 5 years, my sweet friends Taylor and Indie! Love watching them grow up each year as they are becoming such a gorgeous young woman and gentleman!
ย Absolutely adorable little 2-year-old Louis was up next. He brought along his parents and we caputred some sweet photos of this fun-loving family!
Meredith and Conner brought their smiles and sweet brother/sister love to the afternoon! These two are the children of friends from church, and it was my first opportunity at photographing them. I so enjoyed spending time with these two!
Welcome, Cameron!
September 16, 2011Meet little Cameron and his big brother, Jack! If you’ve been following my work at all, you know that I normally only photograph newborns within the first 7-10 days after they are born. Little Cameron was one day shy of 1-month-old for his session yesterday. I could tell a real difference in how alert he was. However, he behaved so well and never cried once! He just gave us some sweet little eyes wide open photos that are adorable! Big brother Jack came along as well and loved playing in my backyard! He was a trooper and even let us stop him for just a few minutes so that he could participate in the session as well. These boys are so well loved and I can tell they have a family that adores them. Mom, and not one, but 2 grandmothers came along for the day. Now that is love! Welcome to the world, little Cameron! So glad to have you! ๐
Chris & Shelby are MARRIED!!
August 9, 2011Saturday was a beautiful day! It was super HOT, but that’s Memphis in August…no big surprise! The big surprise for me was that I was photographing a wedding! All of us have those things that we say we will never do. The older I’m getting the more I am realizing that I should never say never! ๐ How does a children’s photographer end up photographing a wedding? Well, namely because it was a small, intimate occasion that happened to be taking place right next door at the home of my dear friends. Their daughter, Shelby, married her handsome prince on Saturday at her parent’s home, and I was privileged enough to be asked to document the day with my camera. I’ve always loved weddings and the hope and the promise of things to come that go along with it! God was present all day in this occasion, and it was beautiful to see the coming together of these two young people and witness the start to their new life together. I loved the intimacy of the occasion with just family and a few close friends. I loved that she got ready in her own home, and walked down to meet her groom down the staircase in the foyer of her home! I loved that her little brother and sister were the only two “attendants”. I loved that there was laughter, tears,but most of all an extreme amount of love that day! I am happy to share with you my capture of Chris and Shelby’s special day. (And, no….just to clarify, no more weddings in the future. This was a one-time special event!)
A few details of the day…
The ceremony started with sweet Josh and Brooke leading the way. Then Shelby descended the staircase into her new life with Chris. I love the sweet smile of excitement on her face as she sees Chris for the first time below her.
The vows were so precious! There was laughter:
There were tears. Love this “real” moment here. If you look closely you can see the tears on her face and the look of sweet love on the groom’s face. Awww!!
And, “You may kiss the bride!”
After the ceremony, we walked next door to take some portraits of the bride and groom! I loved getting to use my backyard for these. Such a beautiful couple and so very much in love! Chris and Shel, you are just GORGEOUS!!
A few with Shelby’s sweet Momma and baby sister. Love these!
I took almost 600 images this day. I wish I could showcase them all here, but for the sake of time and space, I sadly cannot. Can’t wait for the families to see and enjoy them all soon! Chris and Shelby is was an honor to be there Saturday and witness your love. I pray that God never lets you forget this special day and that He directs your paths daily throughout your life together. Congratulations, sweet friends!!!