“…despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37 (NLT)

My job as a family photographer is such a privilege and joy. Each time I am asked to photograph a family, I realize what a gift it is to me to be able to get to know them, laugh with them, and share my love for Christ through my photography and create tangible memories that will be cherished in the generations to come. Every family I photograph is special, but I had a very special opportunity on Tuesday evening to photograph my friend, Ashley, and her amazing family. Ashley and I grew up together as next door neighbors for most of my childhood and teenage years; and her big sister, Amye, was my very best friend.
But, you see, Tuesday night was different. It was the night before the youngest member of this family, 3 and 1/2 year old Ingram, was to begin his treatments at St.Jude for a brain tumor. Within the last couple of weeks, Ingram has been diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma. When I received the phone call that Ingram was on his way to LeBonheur with a potential emergency surgery for a brain tumor, well…it’s just one of those moments in life that just literally takes your breath away. All I could do was to pray and send my love to this sweet family whom I’ve not only known since I was four-years-old, but also had the honor of photographing in years’ past as well. But, in that instant of breathlessness, I also found a hope and peace. If there’s ever a family with enough hope and perseverance to fight this thing and overcome this nasty cancer with God’s mighty power, it is the Dismuke Family. I called Ashley and offered to do a family session before the treatments began. I am SO glad that we did.
What a fun night we all had playing together! I just adore these children. How can you not laugh and enjoy each moment when the night starts out like this? Awesome! 🙂
We played hard, laughed hard, and created some amazing moments that I am so thrilled to share. It is my hope that through these images you will come to know this family and love them through your prayers. Meet the Dismukes! 🙂
Big sister, Madison:
Little sis, Lindsey:
And, little Mr.Ingram!

Ingram’s beautiful Mommy, my sweet friend, Ashley!
And, the Daddy, Craig. Don’t you love how God gave us Dads to wrestle around with? 🙂

God calls for us to pray for one another and uphold each other in our daily lives. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. This blog…my photography…is but a small piece; but, hopefully a tool in spreading the word about Ingram and his mighty battle he has ahead of him! Please remember Craig, Ashley, Madison, Lindsey and Ingram in your prayers. I just love this family! Ashley and Craig have started a blog that they update almost daily to keep us all posted about Ingram’s fight, www.ingramdismuke.com. There is even a place where you can enter your email to receive updates via email. I see it in my inbox every morning, and use that as a moment to pray for them. I encourage you to become a part of Ingram’s Army of prayer warriors.

I think this next one is my favorite of the night…love these big grins! 🙂

The family has started wearing black armbands because Ingram has one he loves to wear. They are in the process of getting some made with Ingram’s name on them. Until those are ready, they are wearing others. I love this last photo. All the family together, holding hands, up against a mighty oak tree. This image says so very much. This family loves each other and they love our Lord. Isaiah 41:10 says, ” So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
And, I say again: “…despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37 (NLT) I love you, Dismuke Family!! 🙂