I just love, love, love photographing in the cotton fields! There’s just something special about that sea of fluffy white “southern snow” that just seems so peaceful and beautiful to me! I have done Mini Sessions in the cotton fields the last couple of years, but this family wanted to have a full session, not just a few moments, devoted to capturing their sweet little family playing in the cotton. Cooper is such a sweet little boy with an adorable little smile! When he smiles really big, he almost squints he is so happy! 🙂 He had such fun just hanging out in the fields as we kept coming up with fun, new things to try to keep his interest! We ended up drawing in the dirt and laughing ALOT! Cooper and his Dad even ended the evening with a “sword” fight…see the last photo below. Whitney and Rusty, you have a wonderful family and Cooper is SO cute! He can come home with me anytime! Thanks for sharing your evening with me! 🙂