Archive for the ‘Memorial Park’ Category

Brothers are so much FUN!! I’ve had a sweet run with sisters recently, so it was a great change of pace to get to photograph a fun and charming set of brothers! Boys are such fun to photograph because they want to climb…on everything! They want to punch and wrestle…which I love because it makes for such fun photos! They also don’t care one bit about touching each other or coming anywhere near acting like they like one another! So funny! So, as the photographer, you embrace those moments and capture them as they are…fun, silly, and absolutely adorable! So enjoyed photographing these two boys and their parents. They are such a beautiful family! Enjoy your sneak peek…more to come soon! 🙂

Sweet Camille…

June 7, 2012

There is not much cuter than a sweet little girl with little chunky legs and arms and a smile that lights up the place when she laughs! This is Miss Camille….what a sweetheart! She was the happiest little thing the other night at her portrait session, and at only 7.5 months old she had a lot to say to me! 🙂 I loved her constant babble! She really did seem intent on telling me something and grinned the entire time. What’s not to love, right? I so enjoyed meeting this sweet little girl. Enjoy your sneak peek!

Love this next dress and the special meaning behind it! The dress belongs to Camille’s mommy who wore it as a child. What a wonderful keepsake and family heirloom!

Hailey is One!

June 7, 2012

It seems like just yesterday that I drove out to little Hailey’s house for her Newborn session and she was no bigger than a minute! And now, here she is having just celebrated her first birthday…wow! Some of the prettiest blue eyes you’d ever want to see on a little one-year-old….loved the way her eyes just sparkled when she giggled and grinned for me. Sweet girl is growing up! What a fun night celebrating all things Hailey and capturing this moment in time for her family. Happy Birthday, little Hailey! 🙂

I am always so honored when asked by a friend to photograph their family. This is my first time to photograph these beautiful sisters, Sarah Cathryn and Ellen. Their Mom, Emily, is one of my good friends from my monthly “dinner” club. I’ve so enjoyed getting to know Emily and hearing her stories of her girls over the years. I finally got the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with them, and they are just joyous and precious! Sweet Sarah Cathryn was quiet and polite, and had the MOST gorgeous freckles and long eyelashes I’ve seen in a long time. And, Miss Ellen, is just a ball of energy and fun and charm all rolled into one.! Enjoy your sneak peek!

Love this one of them looking inside a tree together…so cute and innocent!

Mom and Dad, still in love after almost 15 years!

Sarah Cathryn…

And, Ellen!

Thank you, Emily and Brent, for sharing your family with me and allowing me to capture of fun memories of this sweet time in your lives. You have a wonderful gift in these two girls! 🙂

Houston and Campbell…

November 2, 2011

It is always a bittersweet session when I do the final installment of a Little Gifts Newborn Club. Saturday, it was sweet Campbell’s turn for her “1 year” session. It’s so hard to believe that in a little more than a year, she has gone from this:

To this!

Sweet, sweet baby girl! Campbell shared this session with her very thoughtful big brother, Houston. I was so excited to see these two together. I have so enjoyed working with this wonderful family for the past four years. It is such a joy to share in these special memories. I hope you love what you see here, Bronwen and Alan. I adore your sweet children. Thank you for sharing them with me year after year! Enjoy! 🙂

Tripp, Mary Kate and Family!

November 2, 2011

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was at this family’s home to photograph little Tripp at just a few days old. And, now he is sitting and smiling, and bringing along the entire family for a photo session! I can’t believe how big this little guy is getting! So sweet and fun. We captured some of him for his 6 month portraits, but also included his big sister, Mary Kate, too. And, Mom and Dad got in on the fun as well. I am so pleased with how great these turned out. I am just in love with these little ones’ eyes. They are absolutely STUNNING! Wow!! And, no wonder, look how gorgeous their mom and dad are! Thank you so much “G” family for another great session. I hope you love what you see here…more heading your way soon. Enjoy! 🙂

I hate to repeat myself, but…hello!! Gorgeous eyes, y’all! 🙂

Sadie Ann and Family…

October 14, 2011

I look forward to this session every year! Meet gorgeous Sadie Ann…my little model! 🙂 I think she has just as much fun as I do at this yearly event. This girl simply cannot take a bad photo and she comes ready to play and laugh and just enjoy our time together. She always brings along her parents for a few family shots, too. And, it’s easy to see where Sadie Ann gets her gorgeous looks. Sadie Ann’s mom is Amy Wells, the brilliant jewelry designer who makes all the photo jewelry that we sell here at 1:17 Photography. If you haven’t looked recently at our fabulous jewelry offerings, stop what you are doing right now and go on over to take a look! Just follow the link! Also, take a moment to look at Amy’s fabulous offerings, too. Her work is amazing! But for now, enjoy this little sneak peek at sweet Sadie Ann and her parents! 🙂

Olivia and Carter…

October 14, 2011

I’ve said it before…sometimes everything just falls perfectly into place and a session is just perfection! Olivia and Carter’s mom and dad are some lucky parents because we had just such a session with these two cuties! I’ve been photographing these two for many years and we just fell into a great place. We were all comfortable, the kids were happy, the weather was gorgeous and there was no stress involved at all! YAY! It really does help a session to move along smoothly when the family is relaxed and ready to have fun with me. I had a tough time picking my favorites for this session! That’s a great problem to have. Olivia and Carter, y’all are awesome and really make me love my job! Enjoy your sneak peek! Lots more great ones to come! 🙂

Big families with lots of kids can be such fun! At times, they can be a real challenge for a photographer, but not this family! Not a bit! They arrived at the shoot dressed fabulously and ready to make things happen! I loved it! This sweet family are some “old” neighbors of ours, and we miss seeing them all the time. They’ve added the two babies to their family since we’ve lived close by, so it was a joy to spend time getting to know them as well as catching up with the big brother and sister I lived down the street from for years! All four are just GORGEOUS children, with great personalities and smiles to match. It was just a wonderful evening together. Thanks for sharing your family with me again, Brooke and Gary. Loved seeing all of them! And, if my vote counts, I think you need at least one more! You two make beautiful children! 😉 Enjoy your sneak peek!

Baby Griffin at almost six months:

Joyous 4-year-old Emily:

Quiet and thoughtful, 11-yr-old, Noah along with beautiful 15-year-old Katie:

A couple of sibling shots, too. So many more great ones to come! 🙂



October 11, 2011

Boys, boys, boys! These two sweet boys are the true definition of a little rough and tumble little boy! 2-year-old Brennan and 4-yr-old Brandt are the sons of a friend of mine from college, and I had such a great time playing with them last week. They just made me smile and laugh the entire time. I love their adorable little expressions and their interactions together. This first one is my favorite from the day. The little one has pretzels in his mouth, but they are just having a moment here of pure joy from wrestling with their dad. LOVE!! Heather and Jason, your boys are so great. Thanks for sharing them with me! 🙂