Archive for the ‘Memphis Botanic Gardens’ Category

Arianna and Miguel…

August 14, 2015


July 6, 2015

Sweet sisters in the summertime! 

These beautiful ladies drove in from Jackson today to see me! We’ve been playing and photographing for many years now, and these sweet girls are my dear friends. So thankful for their friendship and their business-even after they move away from Memphis! 

Mary Elizabeth is ONE!!

April 10, 2015

A beauty then and a beauty now! This gorgeous, sweet baby celebrated her first birthday recently and today was a beautiful day in the spring flowers to celebrate all that is wonderful about her! Happy Birthday, sweet one! Thank you for sharing your first year with me. You are a JOY! 🙂 

Brad, Cindy and David…

April 10, 2015

Ahhh….loving the bow tie on this little cutie! 🙂 


April 3, 2015

A beautiful baby in fields of flowers in the Spring? Doesn’t get much sweet than this! 🙂 

Cal “lying” in the grass one year ago as a newborn:

And, big boy Cal, all growing up too fast lying in the grass at his one year photo shoot! Crazy how fast they grow up in their first year! I’ve so enjoyed spending special moments with Cal and his parents over the last 12 months. He is an adorable sweetheart and today is his birthday. Happy Birthday to you, Sweet Cal Franklin! 🙂

Hobbs is One!!

November 5, 2014

Sweet, adorable, big ol eyes, squeezy little boy! This was Hobbs a year ago and then today! His eyes are definitely his strong feature! Love this adorable family and cannot believe our time toethget has come to an end. This is the 2nd little boy in this family where I’ve been privileged to share in their first year. What a joy! Happy 1st birthday, Hobbs! Thanks, Sarah and Craig for sharing your boys with me. They are so sweet and such fun! Lots more fun photos to come! Enjoy!  Pretty sure this next one is him saying, “Come on, Mrs.Julie, stop pointing that camera at me! I want to play and explore! 🙂 Enough already!” haha…

This is a perfect example of what can happen at a photo session when you have two parents who are completely relaxed and trust in our ability to get the outcome they desire. Sweet Grayson was a bit squirmy during the session, but Mom and Dad never stressed out. They just continued to play with him and engage him and I ended up with some beautiful and relaxed images that I think convey how much this sweet family loves each other and adore their precious boy! What a treat! Thanks for sharing your family with me. Lots of more sweet images to come! Enjoy! 🙂
